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本文首先通过对 WS 公司实验室绩效管理现状的调查和了解,结合大量文献的阅
读,分析出目前 WS 公司实验室绩效管理所现存的问题、难点及其原因。
究探索一种适合于 WS 公司实验室基本职能和组织结构的,包含企业战略分解、流程
希望 WS 公司实验室绩效管理体系的实证研究,能够对其他企业的实验室绩效管
作 者:韩 冰
指导教师:张方华英文摘要 WS 公司实验室绩效管理体系研究
Study on Performance Management System of WS
Company’s Laboratory
As a kind of modern management tools, performance management has been
increasingly applied to all spheres of society. However, for laboratory in enterprises, the
application of performance management is still not appropriate and deeply enough. If
taking the ready-made performance management model directly, it is easy to make the
performance management process become a mere formality, and difficult to implement.
Firstly, through to the investigation on the performance management of WS
company’s laboratory, and combining with a large number of literature reading, to analysis
and get the existing problems, difficulties and the root cause about the performance
management of WS company’s laboratory for the moment.
To solve these problems, based on the performance management theory, stakeholder
theory and quantitative methods, to study and explore a new performance management,
which is suitable for the basic functions and the structure of the organization of WS
company’s laboratory, and including enterprise strategy decomposition, process
optimization and stakeholder interests balance of complete performance management
system. Article will start from how to decompose the enterprise development strategy, and
determine the laboratory strategic goals of each layer, extraction performance evaluation
indicators, to establish the performance evaluation index system based on the balance of
interests of stakeholders, and through the accomplishment of performance plan,
performance interviews, performance feedback, performance evaluation and performance
incentives, to build a relatively integrity and systemic performance management for a
Hope the empirical study on the performance management of WS company’s
laboratory, can provide some reference for the performance management of some other
enterprise laboratories.
Keywords: laboratory;performance management;stakeholder.
Written by: Han Bing
Supervised by: Zhang Fanghua
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