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执行文化四个因素得到体现。据此,本文以李克特量表(Likert scale)为指导,设计出调
查问卷,对 JZ 高速公路营运公司青年集体执行力存在的问题进行诊断。调查问卷共回
收有效问卷 287 份,经过 SPSS19 软件分析,显示信度系数为 0.87,KMO 值为 0.923,
说明量表可信度较高,具有很好的效度结构。调研结论是,JZ 高速公路营运公司青年
围是重点。 据此,本文针对性从明确工作目标和职责、加强团队协作能力、提升公司
领导影响力、激励爱岗敬业、营造执行文化等五个维度设计了提升 JZ 高速公路营运公
工主观能动性,解决执行力核心层面的问题,从而提升 JZ 高速公路营运公司青年集体
The work of of expressway operation enterprises is highly correlated to the public, for whom
these enterprises should guarantee security and ensure smooth traffic. However, the
autonomy of these enterprises is mostly embodied in the execution of operational and
managerial decisions and policies. Owing to the high proportion of young employees, which
is more than 85%, it is of practical significance to carry out a research on the executive
power of the youth collective of expressway operation enterprises.
The executive willingness is the most fundamental factor in influencing the executive power,
which is reflected by four aspects: organization formation, management system, leadership,
and executive culture. Based on the Likert scale, this thesis diagnoses the problems existing
in the execution of the youth collective of JZ Expressway Operation Company through an
investigation of questionaires. The total number of valid questionnaires is 287. An analysis
through the SPSS19 software shows the reliability coefficient is 0.87, the KMO value 0.923,
which demonsrtates that the scale has a high reliability and a good structural validity. From
the research, it is concluded that there exist problems in the subjective initiatives of the youth
collective of JZ Expressway Operation Company, which affect their excutive power. Among
the influencing factors, the executive culture and executive atmosphere are the vital
factors.Based on the research, this thesis sketches a scheme to enhance the executive power
of the youth collective of JZ Expressway Operation Company, which is proved practical and
effective by an empirical analysis.
Therefore, the conclusion of this thesis is that, in order to increase the agglomeration power
of the youth collective of JZ Expressway Operation Company, it is necessary to enhance
their subjective initiatives and resolve the problems affecting their executive power. The
result of this research can also serve as a reference for the study of the executive power of
expressway operational and managing companies.
Key Words:Expressway;Youth collective; Execution
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