武夷山市位于福建省北部,东西宽70千米,南北长72.5千米。 总人口23万人,总面积2798平方公里。武夷山市属中亚热带地 区。境内东、西、北部群山环抱,峰峦叠幢,中南部较平坦,为 山地丘陵区。市区海拔210米。地貌层次分明,呈梯状分布。地 势由西北向东南倾斜,最高处黄岗山海拔2158米,在我国大陆 称为“华东屋脊”,最低处兴田镇,海拔165米)。最高与最低 点高差1993米,地势高低相差之大,为全省之最。闻名中外的 武夷山风景名胜区及武夷山自然保护区主要部分位于境内,使武 夷山市自然条件具备诸多特异性。 Located in north Fujian Province, Wuyishan City is 70 km wide in east-west direction and 72.5 km long in north-south way. The city covers a total area of 2,798 square km, and has a population of 230,000. The central Asian city is influenced by sub-tropical climate. The east, west and north areas of the city are surrounded by mountains, while in the central and south areas the terrace levels off to become hills. The landform is clearly layered just like ladders. The city is high in northwest and low in southeast, with the highest point in Huanggang Mountain, 2,158 km above sea level, called the roof of east china, and the lowest point in Xingtian Town, at an elevation of 165 meters. The difference between the highest and lowest place is 1,993 meters, the most in the Fujian Province. The famous Wuyi Mountain tourist spot and the most part of Wuyi Mountain Natural Reserve are within the city, bringing diversity to the natural environment. 武夷山市地处闽、赣两省交界处,是福建省迄今唯一的以名山命名的新兴旅游城市,辖3镇4乡3个街道办及4 个农茶场,115个行政村,境内拥有国家重点自然保护区、国家重点风景名胜区、国家旅游度假区、福建省旅游 经济开发区、全国第四批重点文物保护单位。城村古闽越王城遗址,是对外开放一类口岸。武夷山风景秀丽,历 史悠久,人文荟萃,素有“碧水丹山”之誉。1998年7月,被评为中国首批优秀旅游城市,2001年1月被评为全 国首批4A级旅游区;1999年12月,被联合国教科文组织批准列入《世界遗产名录》,成为至今我国第4处,世界 第23处文化与自然“双遗产”地之一。 Wuyishan City is located in the joint part of Fujian and Jiangxi provinces, and the only emerging tourist city in Fujian named after a famous mountain. There are 3 towns, 4 townships, 3 street communities, 4 tea farms and 115 administrative villages in the city. It boasts national key natural reserve, national key tourist spot, national tourist resort, Fujian Province tourist economic development zone, and the fourth batch key cultural relic under the State-level. The ancient Min Yue city relic is the first class opening area. Wuyi Mountain enjoys beautiful scenery and long history, a place of home to many talents; that gain it the reputation of “jade waters and red mountains”. In July, 1998, it is selected as one of the first excellent tourist cities in China; in January 2001, it is ranked among the first batch of 4A tourist areas; in December, 1999 it is accepted to join the World Heritage List by UNESCO, becoming the fourth in China and the 23rd in the world both cultural and natural heritage. 武夷山境内的“古闽族”“闽越族”文化遗存是古代文明的历史见证。朱子理学在此发祥、传播,使武夷 山成为研究东方文化的重要基地之一。 The Ancient Min Clan and the Min Yue Clan in Wuyi Mountain are evidence of the area’s ancient civilization. The well-known Philosophy of Zhu Xi was born and disseminated here, making Wuyi Mountain one of the key places for studying oriental culture. 武夷山是全球生物多样性保护的关键地区,是尚存的珍稀、濒危物种的栖息地,是代表生物演化过程以及人类与自然环境相互关系的突出例证。武 夷山保存了世界同纬度带最完整、最典型、面积最大的中亚热带原生性森林生态系统。1979年7月国务院批准设立武夷山自然保护区,总面积85万亩。 区内森林覆盖率达到95.3%。良好的生态环境和特殊的地理位置,使武夷山成为地理演变过程中许多动植物的“天然避难所”,物种资源极其丰富。已 知植物种类3728种,几乎涵括了中国中亚热带所有的植被类型;已知动物种类5110种,是珍稀、特有野生动物的基因库,被中外生物学家称为“研究两 栖、爬行动物的钥匙”、“鸟的天堂”、“蛇的王国”、“昆虫的世界”、“世界生物之窗”。1987年被联合国教科文组织列为国际人与生物圈自然保 留地,1992年被世界全球环境基金组织确认为具有全球保护意义的A级自然保护区。1999年4月,国际保护联盟专家莱斯利.莫洛伊博士对武夷山遗产价 值考察评估时题词:“武夷山是中国人民永续利用自然资源的永久象征” 。 Wuyi Mountain is the key region for protecting the world's biodiversity and a habitat for existing rare and endangered species, providing typical evidence for evolution process and the relationship between human and nature. The prime tropical forest ecosystem it has is the most complete, typical and largest of that of the same latitude in the world. In July 1979 the State Council approved Wuyi Mountain Natural Reserve, which has a total area of 850,000 mu (566,666,695 m2) and a forest coverage rate of 95.3%. The sound ecosystem and special geological location have made Wuyi Mountain a natural shelter for many animals and plants in the process of geological evolution, enjoying extremely rich species resources, with 3,728 known plant species that cover almost all the types of plants in tropical central-asian area in China, 5,110 known animal species that serve as a gene pool of rare and special wild animals, famed as “a key for studying amphibian and reptile”, “heaven for birds”, “kindom of snakes”, “world of insects”, and “window of the world’s species”. In 1987 it was listed as an international nature reserve for human and ecosphere, and in 1992 it was awarded the title of A level natural reserve with global meaning by Global Environment Facility. In April 1999, Dr. Leslie Moloi, an expert from World Conservation Union, wrote “Wuyi Mountain is the forever emblem of the sustainability of resource use by Chinese people” when he visit the Wuyi Mountain to review its value of heritage. 武夷山具有独特、稀有、绝妙的自然景观,属罕见的自然美地带,是人类与自然环境和 谐统一的代表。武夷山自然风光独树一帜。1982年11月国务院批准设立武夷山国家重点风景 名胜区,总面积70平方公里。武夷山景区是典型的丹霞地貌,区内一条幽深清澈的九曲溪盘 环山中,两岸丹崖林立,千姿百态,九曲溪两岸分布着36奇峰、99岩,昂首向东,如万马奔 腾,气势雄伟,千姿百态。山不高有高山之气魄,水不深集水景之大成。浮光山色中又散落 着众多的古文化遗存,将人的思想、人的情感、人的智慧、人的劳动融于自然山水之间,达 到天人合一的境界,给人以浑然天成的和谐美感。1990年原世界旅游组织执委会主席巴尔科 夫人在游览武夷山后欣然题词:“未受污染的武夷山风景区是世界环境保护的典范。” The natural scenery in Wuyi Mountain is unique, rare and spectacular, the representative of harmony between human and nature and can hardly be seen elsewhere. The state council approved the area to be national key scenic spot in November 1982, totaling 70 square meters. As an area of typical Danxia Landform, Wuyi Mountain has 39 peaks and 99 cliffs of various splendid shapes, with Jiuqu Brook going through with full steam ahead towards the east. The mountains are magnificent though not very tall, and the water is beautiful though not very deep. Apart from natural sceneries, Wuyi Mountain is also rich in cultural relics, creating unmatched beauty by harmonizing the thoughts, feelings, wisdom, and labor of human with the nature. Mrs. Barerke, the then president of the executive committee of World Tourism Organization, described it as the model of world environmental protection after visiting Wuyi Mountain in 1990. 武夷山物产资源丰富,是我国江南著名的粮区、林区、茶叶产区。全 市现有耕地30万亩,林业用地318.2万亩,珍稀树种50余种,总蓄积木材 量1157万立方米,年出材量10万立方米;全市竹林面积58.63万亩,年产 毛竹350万根以上;全市茶叶总面积9.6万亩,年产茶叶9万担,武夷岩茶 为全国十大名茶之一,以独具岩韵而享誉中外,茶王“大红袍”更是世间 极品。 Wuyi Mountain enjoys rich natural resources, and is the famous area in South China for grain, forest and tea production. There are currently 300,000 mu fa