业领域、商业模式,开创新的时代。早在 2010 年,手机银行就开始成为商业银行
拓宽服务渠道和开展新业务的重要途径,成为了“兵家必争之地”。截止到 2013
年 6 月底,全国有近 40 家大中小型商业银行建立手机银行以及对应的安卓、苹果
等操作系统客户端 APP,多家商业银行的手机银行系统实现业务功能覆盖了传统
网上银行百分之八十的常用功能。作为一家一直以变革为动力的商业银行-A 银行,
本文以 A 银行手机银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务为研究对象,结合 A 银行手机银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务发展现状
和特点,对 A 手机银行营销环境进行识别并定位、从营销内、外部环境、项目的
对 A 银行手机营销策略进行研究并给出建议包括:对手机银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司务进行重新定位,
web2.0 时代互动营销策略、微信营销策略、大数据营销策略,品牌营销继续保持
With the explosive growth of Chinese economy, the mobile communication
infrastructure has improved continuously, the rapid spread of the mobile intelligent
terminal equipment,mobile Internet has become represent the general trend, has
penetrated into many areas of life of enterprises and residents, changing information age
residents in social life and the operation of enterprises, and will open up new areas of
industry, business model. As early as in 2010, mobile bank began to become an
important way for commercial banks to broaden the service channel and the
development of new business. By the end of june 2013 ,here are nearly 40 commercial
banks set up mobile phone bank and corresponding Android, Apple operating system
client APP which implement eighty percent of traditional online bank system function.
As a has been to change as the driving force of A bank, facing the opportunities and
challenges of mobile Internet, also needs to consider its own position in the new
industrial pattern in the environment, the development strategy from the traditional
mobile bank to mobile financial transfer, looking for any opportunity to provide
advanced banking experience and innovative financial service for customers; on the
other hand, also need to broaden our horizons, interest pattern and the new development
trend, in the new historical opportunity comes, maintain their advantage and
In this paper, taking A bank mobile banking as the research object, combined with
the characteristics of business development of A Bank mobile banking, mobile
banking marketing environment recognition and positioning, from marketing, external
environment, the project strengths and weaknesses, the opportunities and challenges, the
strategic value of the analysis, summed up the A bank mobile bank business marketing
problems. Secondly, using the service marketing,network marketing, marketing theory,
brand marketing and finance theory, on the banks of A mobile marketing strategy
research include: repositioning of mobile banking, mobile banking clear implementation
strategy and brand marketing strategy; According to the customer demand promote the
product segmentation and differentiation, strengthen the amount of product innovation,
to maintain the competitiveness of products; Focus on the use of marketing combination
strategy, the implementation of free price, differentiation and bundling pricing strategy
and promotional strategy of diversification consolidate and expand the market share; the
construction of a new generation of diversified electronic banking service marketing
system, the mobile phone to mobile financial transition, the fusion of Web2.0 era of
interactive marketing micro message strategy, marketing strategy marketing strategy,
brand marketing data, continue to maintain the same industry leading position.
I hope that the research of marketing strategy, provide reference for the
development and construction of Commercial Bank of our country mobile financial
Keywords: Commercial Banking, Mobile Banking, Marketing Strategy