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行各利润项目总体呈现上升的趋势,贷款业务利息收入占到了营业总收入的 58.14%,
收入结构比较单一。华夏银行近 3 年的资本充足率和核心资本充足率变化不太稳定,
在 2011 进行融资后有所升高,随后 2012 年又出现下降现象,可见公司依靠内部积
存在巨大的偿债压力。2012 年公司各利润项目增速减慢,但各项盈利能力指标均呈
关键词 财务分析;华夏银行;预测
This paper analyzes Huaxia Bank's financial condition and operating condition from
the perspective of investors. Applying Horizontal Analysis, Ratio Analysis and
Common-size Financial Statements and other methods, this paper analyses the key
financial data of Huaxia Bank in nearly three years, especially in 2012 , to identify the
major changes and trends in recent years , and explore the reason for the change and the
change in the internal logic.
Based on the analysis of Huaxia’s Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement, Balance
Sheet and its Capital and Asset changes in particular, this paper reveales that Huaxia
Bank's profit is on the rise,and the lending interest income accountes for 58.14% of total
revenue, showing that the company's main business profitability is strong, with relatively
stable profitability. The company's ability to generate cash from operating activities is
strong, for the company's long-term development provides a strong financial support. By
comparison with other companies' cash flow from operating activities, it founds that
Huaxia bank still relied mainly on banking deposit and loan business,which meaned
revenue structure is relatively simple. In nearly three years, the capital adequacy ratio and
the core capital adequacy ratio of Huaxia Bank is changeable, increased in 2011 while
decreased in 2012. It indicates the strength of internal accumulation of capital is weak, and
the company's profitability needs to be strengthened . But overall, the company operating
system is relatively robust.
Huaxia Bank's solvency indicators in line with industry level, with certain solvency,
there is no huge pressure of debtpany's profits in 2012 growth slowed , while the
profitability indicators tend to rise, showing the company has a stable profitability.
Whether it is in the view of current assets turnover or total asset turnover , there’s no
obvious changes. Apparently, the use efficiency of assets has not significantly improved.
In the end, applying peary's analysis and evaluation method of Cornwall, the paper
makes a comprehensive analysis about the company's financial.According to the company
results ,it evaluates the prospects and the core competitiveness of the company , and
makes a reasonable forecast about the future of the company.
Keywords:Financial analysis huaxia bank forecast
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