体系进行改革的必要性,第二章设计了中国人寿 J 分公司薪酬管理体系改革的总
体思路、原则和流程,第三章提出了中国人寿 J 分公司薪酬管理体系改革方案,
第四章对中国人寿 J 分公司薪酬管理体系改革方案的实施措施进行了分析
本研究的结论如下:本文通过对中国人寿 J 分公司薪酬管理体系的研究和探
讨,设计了中国人寿 J 分公司薪酬管理体系优化流程,提出了中国人寿 J 分公司
本研究的现实意义体现在:一定程度上改变了 J 分公司目前人员结构不合理
公司核心竞争力。对于进一步提升中国人寿 J 分公司经营管理水平,真正把公司
This paper introduces and analysis the main problems of the current salary
management system of J subsidiary company by the way of research literature, such
as reading the relevant literature and collecting the relevant data. And proposed the
optimized processes and salary management system by using the interview method,
questionnaire method and experience method. Chapter I introduces the J subsidiary
company of China Life and the main problems of its salary management system.
Chapter II design the ideas, principles and processes of the remuneration management
system reform of J subsidiary company. Chapter III presents the reform program of
the J subsidiary company’s remuneration management system. Chapter Ⅳ analyzes
the implementing measures of the salary management system reform programs.
Based on the research of salary management system of J subsidiary company of
china life, this paper designs a better salary management system and puts forward a
reform program about the remuneration management system. This kind of job-based,
performance-oriented, market-reference salary management system is more
competitive and incentive.
As a practical significance, this paper will changed the irrational situation of J
subsidiary company to a certain degree, will create a favorable environment for
nurturing talent, and will enhance the company's core competitiveness. This will
benefit to enhance the management level of J subsidiary company, and will important
to create the J subsidiary come into a world-class life insurance company. Meanwhile,
at the situation that the current state-owned enterprises generally facing a increasing
international market competition, J subsidiary company’s salary management system
is a representative of them. I hopes that it can played a certain significance for other
companies by the research of J subsidiary company’s salary management system.
Insurance company ; Salary management system; Salary point value;
Compensation scheme.III
Optimal Design of Compensation Management System
for J Subsidiary Company of China Life
China Life Insurance Company Limited is a national commercial insurance
company which holding by China Life Insurance (Group) Company, its predecessor is
the original Chinese People's Insurance Company-founded in October 1949 , the
mediator Life Insurance Co. company-founded in February 1996, and the China Life
Insurance Company Limited-founded in 1999. In June 30, 2003, Approved by the
State Council and China Insurance Regulatory Commission, China Life Insurance
Company Limited was incorporated in Beijing. On December 17th and 18th, 2003,
China Life Insurance Company Limited appear on the market both in New York and
Hong Kong. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Life Insurance Company
Limited, J subsidiary company of china life branches in all the municipalities (state)
and counties (cities, districts) in J province, and have marketing service outlets in 416
towns and countries of J province. It owns more than 16,000 employees and
marketing staff persons.
For various historical reasons, there are still many problems in the current salary
management system of J subsidiary company of china life. Such as employees cannot
get the same pay with the same work, the salary system is lack of incentive, and so on.
This paper intends to figure out an optimized salary management system after
research and discussion. This will benefit to enhance the management level of J
subsidiary company, and will important to create the J subsidiary come into a
world-class life insurance company. This research also intends to design a suitable
salary management system of J subsidiary company, to change the unreasonable
personnel structure now, to create a favorable environment for talents, finally to
improve the company's core competitiveness.I
摘 要
中国人寿 J 分公司薪酬管理体系优化设计
有商业寿险公司,共有三个发展阶段,分别是原中国人民保险公司(创立于 1949
年 10 月),中保人寿保险有限公司(成立于 1996 年 2 月),以及中国人寿保险
有限公司(1999 年 1 月经国务院批准成立)。2003 年 6 月 30 日,经由国务院审
年 12 月 17 日及 18 日,中国人寿保险股份有限公司分别在纽约、香港两地正式
上市。中国人寿保险股份有限公司 J 分公司作为中国人寿保险股份有限公司的全
销服务网点 416 个,拥有员工和营销员 16000 余人
寿 J 分公司薪酬管理体系进行相关的简介并对公司目前的薪酬体系存在的主要
问题进行分析;运用访谈方法、调查法、经验总结法等提出了中国人寿 J 分公司
的薪酬体系优化设计流程和薪酬体系实施方案,以此来探索如何完善中国人寿 J
寿 J 分公司的现状和薪酬管理体系存在的主要问题,分析了对 J 分公司薪酬管理V
目 录
引 言.1
第 1 章 中国人寿 J 分公司薪酬体系现状与问题........2
1.1 中国人寿 J 分公司简介 .... 2
1.2 当前薪酬管理体系存在的问题及原因分析........ 3
1.3 薪酬管理体系优化的必要性和意义........ 6
第 2 章 中国人寿 J 分公司薪酬管理体系改革的总体思路、原则和
2.1 薪酬管理体系改革的思路和原则8
2.2 薪酬管理体系改革的总体流程 .. 11
2.3 岗位管理设计流程 .......... 13
2.4 薪酬管理设计流程 .......... 19
2.5 绩效管理设计流程 .......... 27
第 3 章 中国人寿 J 分公司薪酬管理体系改革方案内容..31
3.1 薪酬管理体系改革方案岗位管理实施办法.......... 31
3.2 薪酬管理体系改革方案薪酬管理实施办法.......... 38
3.3 薪酬管理体系改革方案绩效管理实施办法.......... 42
第 4 章 中国人寿 J 分公司薪酬管理体系改革方案的实施........45
4.1 中国人寿 J 分公司薪酬管理体系改革方案效果分析 .. 45
4.2 薪酬管理体系改革实施过程中需要注意的问题46
4.3 提高 J 分公司薪酬改革方案实施效果的相关措施 ...... 46
结 论.....48
致 谢.....511
引 言
有商业寿险公司,共有三个发展阶段,分别是原中国人民保险公司(创立于 1949
年 10 月),中保人寿保险有限公司(成立于 1996 年 2 月),以及中国人寿保险
有限公司(1999 年 1 月经国务院批准成立)。2003 年 6 月 30 日,经由国务院审