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山东金城荣基地产有限公司成立于 1993 年,是一家以房地产开发为主营业务的有限
值逾 30 亿元,跨医药化工和建筑房地产两大产业板块的大型民营企业集团。近几年来,
的企业内部和外部环境进行了分析,并运用 SWOT 模型对荣基公司自身的优势和劣势、以
3.1.3 房地产投资情况.18
3.1.4 房地产欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的发展态势.......19
3.2 宏观环境分析 ........20
3.2.1 政策法律环境分析...........20
3.2.2 经济环境分析...21
3.2.3 社会文化环境分析...........22
3.3 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争结构分析 ....23
3.3.1 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内现有企业的竞争.......23
3.3.2 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司潜在的进入者...........23
3.3.3 替代产品的开发.24
3.3.4 供应者的议价能力...........25
3.3.5 购买者的议价能力...........25
3.4 外部环境综合评价 ....25
3.4.1 外部机会分析...26
3.4.2 外部威胁分析 ..27
3.4.3 外部因素评价矩阵 ..28
4.内部环境分析 .30
4.1 公司内部资源分析....30
4.1.1 人力资源.......30
4.1.2 财务资源.......30
4.1.3 实物资源.......31
4.1.4 无形资产.......32
4.2 公司开发能力分析 ....32
4.2.1 投资策划能力...32
4.2.2 土地获取能力...32
4.2.3 项目运作能力...33
4.2.4 规划设计能力...33
4.2.5 建设施工能力...33
4.2.6 市场营销能力...33
4.2.7 物业管理能力...33
4.3 内部环境综合评价 ....34
4.3.1 优势分析.......34目 录
摘 要.......... I
1.绪论.......... 1
1.1 论文研究的背景....... 1
1.2 企业概况. 1
1.3 研究的目的和意义..... 2
1.4 研究思路和研究方法... 3
1.4.1 论文研究思路 ... 3
1.4.2 论文研究方法 ... 4
2.理论基础和研究综述........ 5
2.1 企业发展战略的相关概念........... 5
2.1.1 企业战略管理 ... 5
2.1.2 企业发展战略 ... 5
2.1.3 企业战略管理的过程......... 5
2.2 战略分析的基本模型... 7
2.2.1 宏观环境分析的 PEST 模型 .... 7
2.2.2 五力分析模型 ... 8
2.2.3 外部因素评价(EFE)矩阵和内部因素评价(IFE)矩阵 ... 8
2.2.4 发展战略选择的 SWOT 分析模型9
2.3 房地产欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的特性..... 9
2.3.1 房地产的概念 ... 9
2.3.2 房地产欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的特性 .......... 10
2.4 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内对房地产发展模式的研究.... 11
2.4.1 香港模式 ...... 11
2.4.2 美国模式 ...... 11
2.4.3 中国内地房地产发展模式 .... 12
3.外部环境分析. 13
3.1 全国房地产开发投资及销售情况.... 13
3.1.1“国五条”横空出世,难遏量价齐升....... 13
3.1.2 城镇化成为房地产欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展的新引擎 ...... 17
But there are also strategic system lacks, land acquisition ability needs to improve, unreasonable
structure of human resources, planning and marketing work needs improvement.
This paper related theories of strategic management and the knowledge about the
development of the real estate industry analysis and research, and combining the reality of
Jincheng Rongji estate company's enterprise, discusses the development strategy of the company.
Author of Jincheng Rongji estate company internal and external environment facing the
enterprise to carry on the analysis, And SWOT model to Jincheng Rongji estate company's own
strengths and weaknesses, and analyzes the opportunities and threats faced, And then combined
with the pattern of development of the real estate industry at home and abroad in recent years
and related background, Zibo city real estate market macro environment, For the company in the
management of the existing problems are discussed in this paper. Finally, the author based on the
relevant theoretical knowledge of strategic management, the company made an objective
evaluation of the strategic development present situation, and through the company's external
environment and internal resources analysis and evaluation, combined with the company's
management ability and development needs, Discusses the strategic direction of the enterprise
development in the future, and from a strategic system, strategic resources integration ability,
enterprise culture construction, enterprise internal management, enterprise brand construction
five aspects which guarantees the implementation of the strategy of enterprise.
Keywords:Shandong Jincheng Rongji estate company,development strategy,Strength,
Since reform and opening up 30 years of time, China's real estate industry has experienced
from the initial development, rapid growth to the process of gradually mature. In 1998 the state
council after canceled the welfare housing distribution system, With the deepening of the
housing system reform, Full implementation of the policy, the housing assignment currency,
Domestic macroeconomic situation is good, Income growth of growing demand, residents'
consumption structure upgrade, improve the internal motivation to housing conditions, housing
consumption credit support power, external driving force of accelerating urbanization process,
these factors promote the real estate market an unprecedented prosperity, the real estate industry
has become one of the pillar industries of national economy. The rapid development of the real
estate industry, Promoted the rapid growth of national economy, improve the living quality of
residents; However, as the prosperity of the real estate market is the rise of house prices, in view
of the
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