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The application of continuous improvement in the the S Company R D
management in industrial product department
RI) management suiTercd an unprecedented impact in today39;s increasingly competitive
environment. 1 low to ensure the quality oi the rcscarch and development, and the rapid
introduction of the rcscarch and development of products and research and development costs
to remain competitive, continued to improve the RI) management to solve the above
problems. Witii continuous improvement methods to conduct in-depth analysis of the existing
problems of the S the electrical industrial scclor RI) management, and use of PDCA part
of the KI) management analysis and recommendations to improve countcrmcasurcs.
Combined with an actual RI) management ease lo illustrate the continuing the good in its
R[) management application.The effect of the implementation of continuous improvement
from the S point of view, in terms of rcscarch and development of quality management. R
D cycle management and RI) cost management have been signillcanlly improved. Of
coursc. while that progress, there arc still some new problems, this article will analyze the
reasons lor these problems and made recommendations lor liirthcr improvement.
Keywords: RI) Quality Management; R1) cycle management; Management of RI)
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