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Along with the deepening of the reform of the financial system, banking competition
becomes more and more drastically. How to improve the marketing ability of commercial
banks to adapt to the needs of the competition among banks , is the same problem which the
commercial banks face. If the ABC of Yichun wants to lead the market of banks, it has to
learn the advanced marketing theory and the experience of foreign banks .At the same time ,
we must consider the backward economy in Yichun, In order to improve the core competitive
ability , we can take measures like customer segmentation , market positioning process,
developing marketing strategy, improvingthe service level. Although the ABC of Yichun
realizes the importance of marketing management during the development of the bank, there
are also many problems when we put the marketing management into application.
First, the article introduce the background , purpose, significance of the research . Then,
review the development of commercial bank&39;s marketing theory research situation. We
analysis the Internal and external marketing environment of ABC in Yichun. We also analysis
the market segmentation, target market, market positioning of ABC. Last, this article proposes
some marketing strategy and safeguard measures, so as to help the bank get advantage . The
result of this article can help the bank innovate the marketing strategy, improve the core
competitive power, Then, we can not only improve the profitability of the bank but also lead
to the success .
Key words:The Yichun branch of agriculture bank;Marketing;Strategy
第1章 绪论......1
1.1 论文研究背景目的及意义......1
1.1.1 论文研究背景....1
1.1.2 论文研究目的及意义....2
1.2 国内外研究现状..........3
1.2.1 国外研究现状....3
1.2.2 国内研究现状....4
1.2.3 对国内外研究现状的评述........5
1.3 论文的主要内容和研究方法..5
1.3.1 论文的主要内容5
1.3.2 论文的研究方法6
1.4 论文的创新之处..........7
第2章 农行伊春市分行个人客户营销现状分析......8
2.1 农行及农行伊春市分行概况..8
2.2 农行伊春市分行个人客户营销现状..8
2.2.1 个人客户的结构现状....8
2.2.2 个人客户的营销理念现状........9
2.2.3 个人客户的营销渠道现状........9
2.2.4 个人客户的产品组合现状........9
2.2.5 个人客户的营销方式及手段现状......10
2.3 农行伊春市分行在个人客户营销中存在的问题....10
2.4 农行伊春市分行个人客户营销问题的成因分析....11
2.5 本章小结........12
第3章 农行伊春市分行个人客户营销环境分析....13
3.1 农行伊春市分行区域环境分析........13
3.1.1 自然地理情况..13
3.1.2 城市和人口情况..........14
3.1.3 经济发展情况..14
3.2 农行伊春市分行同业竞争对比分析15
3.2.1 辖内四家国有商业银行经营现状分析..........15
3.2.2 同业网点数量对比分析..........17
3.2.3 同业个人客户综合对比分析..18
3.3 农行伊春市分行个人客户营销环境的SWOT分析19
3.3.1 竞争优势分析..19
3.3.2 竞争劣势分析..19
3.3.3 面临的机会分析..........20
3.3.4 面临的威胁分析..........20
3.3.5 SWOT综合分析21
3.4 本章小结........22
4.1 农行伊春市分行个人客户细分与目标市场选择....23
4.1.1 个人客户细分..23
4.1.2 个人客户营销目标市场选择..24
4.2 农行伊春市分行个人客户营销定位25
4.2.1 个人客户营销管理定位..........25
4.2.2 服务于个人客户的品牌定位和形象定位......26
4.2.3 个人客户营销理念定位..........27
4.3 本章小结........27
第5章 农行伊春市分行个人客户营销组合策略....28
5.1 产品策略........28
5.2 服务策略........28
5.2.1 实施文明标准化服务..28
5.2.2 实施分层维护服务......29
5.2.3 大堂制胜..........29
5.3 促销策略........30
5.3.1 广告促销.....30
5.3.2 公共关系营销..31
5.3.3 营业推广促销..32
5.3.4 新兴电子渠道促销......32
5.4 渠道策略........32
5.4.1 兴建24小时自助银行32
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