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况如何;其次,结合 EP 公司本身的资源和能力选择合适的目标细分市场和用户;再
次,在目标市场和客户群中,EP 公司该如何进行市场和产品定位。
反馈,并结合 EP 公司本身的优劣势分析,对于 EP 公司该如何合理地进入西南市场
进行了深入分析。本文认为与竞争对手相比,由于 EP 公司在品牌价值、售后维护和
市场推广方面具有显著优势,在产品组合、客户关系方面存在劣势,因此 EP 公司应
本文的研究旨在为 EP 公司为西南地区业务开发,提供合理的决策依据。同时文
市场营销策略,生物仪器市场,SWOT 工具
EP is a famous biological instrument company, whose head quarter located in
Hamburg, Germany. It entered Chinese market by setting up the Hong Kong office in 2003.
At that time, EP sold all its laboratory products by agency. Along with the rapid
development of Chinese biological instrument market, EP Company changed their strange
and wanted to enter the whole Chinese market by direct sales in order to increase sales and
market share. However, because of poor understanding of the biological instrument market
and users in southwest region, EP Company needed to know how to enter this market and
launch products successfully. Therefore, this paper aims at how to set a reasonable
marketing strategy to help EP Company achieve its development goals in southwest region.
According to the above question, this paper focused on the following points: first of
all, how to evaluate the market situation; secondly, combined with EP’s resources and
ability, how to select the right target market and key users; thirdly, based on the target
market and key users, how to launch the products effectively.
Though the marketing survey, collecting materials and other methods, this paper
analyzed the macroscopic environment of southwest market and the feedbacks of local
users. Combined with the advantages and disadvantages of EP Company, the paper gave
the suggestions on how to enter the southwest market.
This study aimed at providing reasonable marketing strategy for EP Company
entering southwest region. Besides, also for the reference for the small and medium-sized
foreign enterprises in entering southwest market as well.
Marketing strategy, Biological instrument market, SWOT
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