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The Investment banking business has been sharply criticized since the burst of Subprine
Mortgage Crisis 2007.People hold the opinion that Subprime Mortgage Crisis is the main
cause of global financial crisis.The Investment Banking Industries around the world also get
shock eg to different degree,espeda]】y in the U.S In China,nevertheless,coinniercial banks
desperately need the rising investment banking when facing the increasing pressure from
financial disintermediation.capital cost,adjust of profit pattern etc c
As one part of China CITIC Group,CITIC Bank was founded in 1987c It is one of the
earliest commercial banks established during China's reform and opening up。The bank
makes full use of the advantages of the Group, through the strengthening of cross-selling
products by the world's financial subsidiary of CITIC Group to explores the development of
investment bankingc It has become a pioneer in domestic commercial banks to explore
almighty business model。
CITIC Bank's traditional business has a good reputation in the bank field. But as an
innovative business, how to in take full advantage of CITIC Group's consolidated financial
platform is becoming a key point for CITIC Bank to carry out investment banking in the
field。This paper makes a research in this field. Firstly, introducing the theoretical basis of
the investment banking and international practice c Then it analyzes and evaluates the
development of China CTTIC Bank investment banking service from two parts, which are the
development process and the level of the status. Meanwhile this paper obtains and analysis
external factor evaluation matrix and internal factors evaluation matrix. After that the paper
do a SWOT analysis for CITIC Bank investment banking。Finally the paper makes specific
recommendations based on the problems by the development process of CITIC Bank
investment banking service. At the end summarizing and hope to explore the development
of investment banking of CITIC Bank。
Keywords: CITIC Bank; investment banking; Development Researc。
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