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指标,并运用该体系和指标,结合上海市政府对 2010 世博会的规划,从
经济因素、城市因素、欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司因素三方面系统地探讨了 2010 世博会对上海
在本文的研究过程中,运用宏观经济学理论预测了 2010 世博会对上
关键词 会展业,2010 世博会,影响
As a new industry with a promising future, the MICE industry has become
a booster for the development of cities and a barometer mirroring the
development of the national economy with its characteristics of high efficiency
and high economic growth. MICE’s development situation can not only
influence the development of a city's economy but also play a very important
roll in its relevant industries such as transportation, tourism, communication,
publication and catering.
The Expo 2010 will be held in Shanghai in 2010. This means definitely an
important chance in economic development for Shanghai.This paper explores
the implications and effects of the Expo 2010 on the MICE Industry and, based
on this, tries to give an advice to the decision-making of the local government,
associations and corporations on a scientific base to fulfill the goal of making
Shanghai a center city of international MICE industry.
In order to meet the above objectives, this paper contains five main parts.
The first part points out the research background. The second part gives an
introduction to the basic concepts of MICE industry and its related supporting
theories that will be used in this paper. The third part analyzes the development
of MICE industry both at home and abroad, and poinits out the strengths and
weaknesses of Shanghai MICE industry. The fourth part, based on the two
preceding parts, discusses the actual influence of the Expo 2010 on the
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