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In China, the situation of supply and demand of the early education is greatly
unbalanced at present, which indicates that it has the infinite potential for
development. The very unbalanced supply and demand situation of the early
education has an adverse effect on the improvement of the citizens' qualities and the
development of economy in our country. Under the overall circumstances of “the
buyers' market,,that the supply surpasses the demand in fields of many commodities
and services, the market of the education still remains the least developed “the sellers'
market which actually is in great need of demand. As the families,living standard
has been greatly improved, their need for the early education is increasing vigorously.
Seen from the aspect of the supply, education market is lack of the supply,which
provides the invaluable chances for the development of the early education centers.
However, there still exist many problems in the early education market. It these
existing problems can be properly solved,then the early education in our country will
have a fascinating preview of later development, by which the development and
extension of the early education centers will be greatly prompted. By exposing the
most common problems existing in the education market in our country such as
people having little sense of market in their mind, the intensively increasing
competition between the eariy education centers, the early education centers running
inefficiently, etc., this paper is aimed at providing some beneficial ways of thinking
and methods to the early education center to help them with marketing strategies and
operating tactics so that the early education in our country will be able to set up the
most suitable competitive system which can meet the needs of social development
and be consistent with the regular pattern of the education development, by referring
to the marketing theory and knowledge of non-profitable organizations and the inner
side marketing theory and introducing the rigH and proper marketing theory and
problem~solving methods and patterns to the e'rly education system. Appling the
marketing theory of the non-profitable organi/. tions, the author is in hope of
providing some inspiring and instructing methods to make a contribution to the
reform of the early education in China.
The paper falls into five parts. The first part is introduction, including the
background and present stage of the relevant research, and the research questions,as
well as the contents, significance and the research methods of this study. The second
part elucidate the basic theory of the early education market marketing. As the
non-profit organization marketing theory, the early education market presents and the
early education market marketing observation. The third part analyses the early
education market,the early education market environment, the early education market
in Erdos based on the market competition, the early education market situation in
Erdos,the introduction of the early education center named “ JinBaoBei in Erdos
and existing problem of the earJy education market in Erdos. The fourth part is aimed
at providing marketing strategies to the early education center named “ Gymboree in
Erdos based on the early education market environment in Erdos. The chapter five
expound the real environment conclusion that the early education market and the
early education center named “ Gymboree” in Erdos in our country and outlook of the
early education market and the early education center named “ Gymboree in Erdos.
Key words: education marketearly education,Gymboreemarketing strategy
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