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The internal driving force of industry evolution and increasingly fierce
competition brought about by the homogenization of the market and drastic reduction
of profit margins, is enforcing B2B companies operate internally motivated to
externally driven (driven by the market). In some cases,the branding has become an
inevitable choice. A successful brand strategy may bring B2B companies substantial
benefits, including getting more profit margins through obtaining a certain level of
price premium, winning more market opportunities, enhancing the ability to resist
risks, and also enabling them to obtain long-term competitive edge. To implement a
targeted, focused brand strategy to gain competitive edge, and get closer to the
customers and to success is the most concerned thing of a B2B company.
This paper first clarifies the background and significance of the research topic,
and summarizes the main content and points out the innovation points, and then
focuses on the general theory of brands and brand management and B2B brand
theories. On top of the brand theories and practice of a B2B company, CIBL, from the
aspects of brand decision-making, brand positioning, brand expansion, organizational
structure and brand communication, the current status of CIBL's brand management
is analyzed in this part, from which sum up the problems of the company's brand
management. And then,in purpose of verifying the CIBL brand management
effectiveness, by introducing a comprehensive evaluation method, qualitative and
quantitative integrated analysis of its brand power status is carried out. The
evaluation results indicate that there's much to do for CIBL in terms of brand
communication. Upon the conclusion of the above two methods, the following part
proposes brand strategies. In the final part, the content of this paper is summarized
and further recommendations are given on the topics not discussed in this paper.
Keywords: brand management; strategy; brand power
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