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[Numbers following subjects are page numbers]
New Tables. . . .xi
Guide to Tabular Presentation. . . .xiii
Telephone and Internet Contacts. .xv
Sec. 1. Population (Tables 1–77) . .1
Estimates and projections by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin . .8
States, metropolitan areas, cities . . . . .18
Mobility status. .37
Profiles of elderly, racial, and Hispanic-origin populations 39
Native and foreign-born populations.43
Immigration. .46
Ancestry, languages.50
Marital status and households .52
Sec. 2. Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Divorces (Tables 78–133) . .63
Life expectancy. .77
Deaths. . . .81
Marriages and divorces 96
Sec. 3. Health and Nutrition (Tables 134–218). . . . .99
National Health Expenditure Accounts101
Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP.106
Health insurance 111
Employment. . . . .114
Hospitals . .118
Health measures. . .123
Food consumption, nutrition. . . .140
Sec. 4. Education (Tables 219–305) . .143
School enrollment 145
Educational attainment. . . . .151
Technology in schools . . . . .171
Degrees conferred . . . .188
Sec. 5. Law Enforcement, Courts, and Prisons (Tables 306–357). . . .193
Crime rates. .196
Crimes and arrests207
Courts . . . .209
Juveniles, child abuse.214
Prisoners and inmates. .217
Sec. 6. Geography and Environment (Tables 358–396). . .221
Land and water 223
Air quality. . . .229
Municipal hazardous waste. . .231
Weather .236
Sec. 7. Elections (Tables 397–427). . . . .243
Vote results. . .248
Campaign finances. . .
Sec. 8. State and Local Government Finances and Employment
(Tables 428–468) . . . .265
Governmental units267
Aid to state and local governments. . .268
State and local governments. . . . .273
State government finances. . .286
Local government finances. .292
Employment and payroll. . . . .300
Sec. 9. Federal Government Finances and Employment (Tables 469–502) . .307
Budget receipts, outlays, debt. . . .310
Income taxes . . . .317
Federal employment and payroll.326
Sec. 10. National Security and Veterans Affairs (Tables 503–537). .329
National defense outlays, expenditures, personnel. . .332
Military manpower. . .334
Veterans. . . .340
Homeland security 342
Sec. 11. Social Insurance and Human Services (Tables 538–585). . .347
Government transfer payments. . .351
Social security. . . . 354
Public aid, federal food programs. .364
Child care, child support. . . .366
Sec. 12. Labor Force, Employment, and Earnings (Tables 586–666)373
Labor force status. .377
Projections. . . . .398
Unemployment. . . .401
Establishments. . . .406
Productivity . . .416
Benefits . . .424
Injuries. . . . .426
Union membership 429
Sec. 13. Income, Expenditures, Poverty, and Wealth (Tables 667–723). . . . .431
Gross domestic product. . . .435
Personal income. . . . .443
Consumer expenditures. . . .448
Money income . . . . .452
State income and poverty. .460
Poverty status. . . .462
Wealth . . . . .467
Sec. 14. Prices (Tables 724–743). 471
Consumer price index. . .474
Cost of living index .478
Producer price index.482
Sec. 15. Business Enterprise (Tables 744–798) . .489
Sole proprietors, partnerships, corporations. . .491
Establishments, employees, payroll . . . .499
Firms, births, deaths, expansions, and contractions. . . . .505
Women- and minority-owned businesses .507
Bankruptcy, patents .511
Investment, capital expenditures . . . . .514
Economic indicators. . . .5

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