建材欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 FOTTAS Construction Industry Korea Rep. We areinternational purchaser of Construction products for long time. 10 JIN-KWAN,PARK 41-48,1-KA, TOSEONG-DONG,SEO-KU, PUSAN,602-051 0082 51 2567300 0082 51 24518*8 fottas@chollian www.fottas.co.kr 0 0
建材欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 HYMAX WARE CO.,LTD. Construction Industry Korea Rep. We areinternational purchaser of Construction products for long time. 500000 11 4000000 DAVID Y.H.CHO 2/F,HYMAX BUILDING,#550-9,SUNGNAE-DONG,KANGDONG-KU,SEOUL 0082 2 34453800/116611663 0082 2 34453833 HYMAX@HYMAX.CO.KR WWW.HYMAX.CO.KR 0 0
建材欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 DOS.21 CO.LTD Construction Industry Korea Rep. We areinternational purchaser of Construction products for long time. 4 CHUNG YOUNG SIG 3FI, DOS BLDG., 518--2,AMSA-2DONG, KANGDONG--GU SEOUL 0082 2 4755916 0082 2 4755924 dmpac@hanmail 0 0
建材欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 HLS CORP Construction Industry Korea Rep. We areinternational purchaser of Construction products for long time. 25 50000000 KIM KYU SUNG P26-3 SINGUNG 5-DONG YANGCHUN-GU,SEOUL 0082 2 26011737 0082 2 26011769 KL3SKKS@HAMAIL 0 0
建材欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 DOSSIRO CO.,LTD Construction Industry Korea Rep. We areinternational purchaser of Construction products for long time. 5000000 5 2000000 S.D.NAM SUITE 503,HYODO PLAZA B/D 245-1,CHEULSAN 3 DONG,KWANGMEUNG-SHI,KYUNGKI-DO 0082 2 6824737/6824738 0082 2 6824688 dossiro@ktnet.co.kr 0 0