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建材欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 AZUR FILS ET CABLES Construction Industry France We areinternational purchaser of Construction products for long time. 5 10000 GIDOW 8 RUE DE LA TOUR DE L‘ARIANE 06300 NICE, FRANCE 6300 0033 4 93141047 0033 4 93141047 0 0
建材欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 R.E.G.I.E. Construction Industry France We areinternational purchaser of Construction products for long time. 3 Ms. GANI 13*,RUE DU TEMPLE,75003 PARIS 75003 0033 1 42773937 0033 1 42770326 REGIE.GANI@WORLDONLINE.FR 0 0
建材欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 CHRYSALIDE Construction Industry France We areinternational purchaser of Construction products for long time. 1200 Miss. G.DUWAT 32,RUE DES PROCESSIONS-91240 SAINT MICHEL SUR ORGE 91240 0033 1 69809900 0033 1 69809704 0 0
建材欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 CCI MARSEILLE.PROVENCE SERVICES AUX ENTERPRISES Construction Industry France We areinternational purchaser of Construction products for long time. 1000 5000000 PAUL BICHAT 2,RUE HENRI-BARBUSSE,13*41 MARSEILLE CEDEX 01 0033 4 913*3458 0033 4 913*3453 paul.bichat@marseille-provencei.fr WWW.MARSEILLE-PROVENCEI.FR 0 0
建材欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 JULIEN SICAPLAST Construction Industry France We areinternational purchaser of Construction products for long time. 6 BERNARD JULIEN 16,RUE E.BARTHE-81100 CASTRES 81100 0033 5 63621010 0033 5 63621011 julien-s@confluent.fr 0 0
建材欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 DGK FRANCE Construction Industry France We areinternational purchaser of Construction products for long time. 70 Mr. DANIEL GRIAIARD 19,RUE DE,INUE XSSEUS,915*0 CROSNE 915*0 0033 1 69496916 0033 1 69496969 info@dgk.fr WWW.DGK.FR 0 0
建材欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 AQUA FRANCE Construction Industry France We areinternational purchaser of Construction products for long time. 10 TCHENG. 27 RUE DE LA HAIE COQ 93300 AUBERVILLIERS 0033 1 49372323/603062613 0033 1 49371415 AQUAFRANCE@AOL WWW.MADE-CHINA 0 0
建材欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 ARIST Construction Industry France We areinternational purchaser of Construction products for long time. 9 BRASSEUR ALAIN BP 25 - AULNAT 63510 0033 4 73604630 0033 4 73908922 DPOULON@AUVERGNEI.FR 0 0
建材欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 EPONYME INTERNATIONAL S.A. Construction Industry France We areinternational purchaser of Construction products for long time. 40 HAN HONG 1 RUE DE PROVIDENCE,74000,ANEEY 0033 4 50913*66 0033 4 50913*66 HANHONG@EPONYME 0 0

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