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What’s inside
1 Introduction1 Group chief executive’s introduction 2 2010 in review 6 Oil6 Reserves 8 Production and consumption 15 Prices 16 Refining 18 Trade movements 20 Natural gas20 Reserves 22 Production and consumption 27 Prices 28 Trade movements 30 Coal30 Reserves and prices 32 Production and consumption 35 Nuclear energy35 Consumption
36 Hydroelectricity36 Consumption 38 Renewable energy38 Other renewables consumption 39 Biofuels production 40 Primary energy40 Consumption 41 Consumption by fuel 44 Appendices44 Approximate conversion factors 44 Definitions 45 More information。。。

About this ReviewFor 60 years, the BP Statistical Review of World Energy has provided high-quality, objective and globally consistent data on world energy markets. The Review is one of the most widely respected and authoritative publications in the field of energy economics, used for reference by the media, academia, world governments and energy companies. A new edition is published every June.MethodologyThe following methodological changes have been made to this year’s Review:Fuels used as inputs for conversion technologies (gas-to-liquids, coal-to-liquids, and coal-to-gas) are counted as production for the source fuel and the outputs are counted as consumption for the converted fuel.A new table has been added to the Review for consumption of commercial electricity produced from renewable sources. Electricity from renewable sources is converted to tonnes of oil equivalent following the same methodology used for nuclear and hydroelectricity, and is included in the primary energy consumption calculation.A new table has been added for biofuels production. Biofuels consumption continues to be included in oil consumption data (see footnotes to oil consumption table).

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