Recruiting is a Journey增员旅程You need a map您需要一张地图作指南Where to Travel to?您要到哪里旅行?The Journey Depends on the Traveler’s Goals旅程决定于旅行者的目标Where is the candidate’s destination 准增员对象的目的地是哪里Help candidate decide on a destination for his life 帮助准增员对象确定他的人生目标Decide if you can assist him 决定您是否能帮助他If so, then your job is to find a map for this journey 如果如此,那么您的工作是为他找到一张旅游地图Your Agent Profile业务员创业轮廓Age 年龄Education 教育情况Natural Market 缘故市场Maturity 成熟程度Etc. 等等Direct Contact Recruiting: Three Steps直接接触增员法:有三个步骤1.Start conversation with candidate 与准增员对象开始交谈2. Continue conversation 继续交谈3. Goal: get candidate back to your office for deeper talk 目标:把准增员对象带回办公室继续深谈本欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司来自 www.m448How do I Begin?我如何开始交谈?When your children grow up, do you wish them to work in the same job as you do? 当您的孩子长大后,您希望他们从事和您一样的工作吗?Alternative Beginnings其它开场白(续)Do you think you will receive the financial rewards you really want from your present job?您认为您能够从目前所从事的工作中得到真正期望的报酬吗?