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项目管理合同法(ppt 52)中英文版.rar

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Project Management & Contract Law 项目管理和合同法 Outline(大纲) Legal System Layers 此下载文件来自于欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 www.3722. (大量管理欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司下载) 法定体系层 Sources of Law 法的来源 Contracts 合同 Legal system layers Sources of Law The US Legal System Based on English common law except in State of Louisiana Consists of two parts Legislative The common law Legislative law Determined by legislatures (US Congress and State Legislatures) Consists of Statutes Professional Engineering Licensing Laws (States) Occupational Health and Safety Act (US) Regulations Created by organizations like the Society of Professional Engineers. 立法机构的立法 由立法机构决定 (美国国会和州立法机构) 组成部分有: 条例 职业工程师执照法 (州) 职业的健康和安全法案 (国家) 法规 由诸如职业工程师协会组织创建. Precedent Example - Fundamental Breach May be applied to render exemption clauses in contracts ineffective. Case History Harbutt Plaasticine v. Wayne Tank & Pump (1970). Factory burned down due to faulty material. $2,300limitied liability in contract was waived and $170,000 paid. Precedent - in the event of fundamental breach (a breach of such nature as to go to the very root of the contract)an exmption clause in a contract would not afford protection to the party that committed the breach 先例案例 - 根本性的违约 可能应用于解释无效合同中的免除条款. 案例历史 Harbutt Plaasticine v. Wayne Tank & Pump (1970). 由于不合格材料导致工厂被烧毁。合同中$2,300的有限责任被放弃,赔偿了 $170,000。 先例 --根本上违反合同中的免除条款(该违反涉及到合同中的根本性问题)不能对违反条款方提供保护。 The Theory of Deep Pockets The purpose of Contract Lawis to compensate wronged parties for their damages (not for punishment) Therefore, legal action will tend to be made against those with the greatest capacity to pay. .......

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