《2010年全球财富报告Wealth Report(英文版)》凯捷(40页).rar
State of the World's Wealth 4
2009 in Review: Many Drivers of Wealth Rebounded, 9
but Economic Recovery is Still Nascent
HNWIs Warily Returned to Markets in 2009 16
in Cautious Pursuit of Returns
HNWIs Cautiously Returned to Passion Investments in 2009 20
HNWI Demand for Philanthropy-related Advisory 23
Services is Rising
Spotlight: Crisis has Clearly Shifted Investor Psyche, 25
and Wealth Managment Firms are Responding
Post-Crisis, Client Expectations Have Clearly Shifted; 25
Firms are Adapting
Developing a Deeper Understanding of Investor Psychology 28
will Help Firms and Advisors Deal With a More Volatile
and Less Certain Environment
More Mainstream use of Behavioral Finance Approaches 29
Will Have a Signficant Impact Across Service Delivery Models
and Platforms
Many Firms are Already Adapting Advisory Processes 30
and Operating Models to Integrate Behavior into HNWI
Investing Strategies
While Behavioral Finance is Relevant for all Firms, 32
the Degree to Which Firms Seek to Transform will Vary
A Path Forward for the Industry 34
Appendix A: Methodology 35
Appendix B: select Country Breakdown 37