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康明斯目视管理法(ppt 53).rar

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目视管理 康明斯

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康明斯目视管理法 目的 Objectives 阐述目视管理: 目标,定义,和标准 Describe Visible Controls: goal, definition, and criteria 了解如何运用 Understand how to use them 讲解4种做法 Define the 4 categories 展示与持续改进的联系 Show connection to Continuous Improvement Process 与CPS*的联系 CPS Connection 隐藏问题,不能使问题受到重视并得到解决。我们必须能够很快地标识问题,并立即做出反应。问题点必须可以一目了然。 — CPS 员工手册 1991,24页 *CPS-康明斯生产系统 “Hidden problems will not get attention and will not be fixed. We must be able to identify problems quickly and respond to them immediately. Trouble spots must be obvious at a glance.” — CPS Employee Manual, 1991, pg. 24 下面两种方法对于信息运用管理可能会有很大的区别: How information is organized is perhaps the most distinguishing feature between… 信息共享 目视交流 Information Sharing Visible Communication 1. CPS 质量目标是: “使过程成效指标和问题均目视化” A CPS quality objective is to “make performance to processes and problems visible.” 2. 持续改进是我们的生存之道 Continuos Improvement is a way of life 3. 建立发展一个部门区域间交互责任的体系 Developing a system of overlapping responsibilities between functional area 目视管理就是信息展示,全面直观地、方便地 能看见,以便对其做出反应,进行调整控制。 A visible control is defined as a display of information devised to be in full view or readily seen in order to allow reaction or regulation to the source or cause of information. 此下载文件来自于 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 www.m448 (大量管理欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司下载) 基本准则 Essential Criteria 使重要的信息以最快的速度方便地传递到决策和措施制定的地方 They are used to facilitate the transfer of important information as quickly as possible at the point where decision and action can be made. 1、简洁陈述 Simplicity of presentation 2、可视测评 Visibility of measurements 情况目视通报到每位员工 situation are visible to everyone 目标和责任目视通报到每位员工 goal and rules are visible to everyone 3、每位员工进行参与 Everyone’s involvement 4、基础信息数据的真实收集 Undistorted collection of primary information 5、重要数据的直接测评(至关重要的几个) The straightforward measurement of what’s important (The Vital Few) 6、对紧急情况有全面的了解掌握 Achieve an overall feel of urgency 7、针对变异有完善计划和受训练的反映 Planned and disciplined response to abnormalities 共同负责 Shared Responsibility 工厂质量水平 Plant Level ......

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