目 次
3.1 设计总则 6
3.2 盾构机主体的设计原则和要求 6
3.3 刀盘与刀盘驱动装置的设计原则和要求 6
3.4 推进装置的设计原则和要求 7
3.5 管片拼装机的设计原则和要求 7
3.6 螺旋输送机的设计原则和要求 7
3.7 液压系统的设计原则和要求 7
3.8 电气及控制系统的设计原则和要求 7
3.9 附属系统的设计原则和要求 10
4.盾构机的制造和安装 12
4.1 一般规定 12
4.2 盾构机壳体的制造和安装 12
4.3 刀盘和刀盘驱动装置的制造和安装 13
4.4 推进装置的制造和安装 13
4.5 管片拼装机的制造和安装 13
4.6 螺旋输送机的制造和安装 13
4.7 液压系统的制造和安装 13
4.8 电气、控制系统的制造和安装 14
4.9 附属系统的制造和安装 16
5.1 厂内验收 17
5.2 施工现场井下验收 18
5.3 100m试推进验收 19
6.1 包装 20
6.2 运输和吊装 20
引用标准名录 22
条文说明 26
1. General Principles4
2. Terms5
3. TBM Design 6
3.1 Design Principles 6
3.2 Design Principles and Requirements of Shield Body 6
3.3 Design Principles and Requirements of Cutterhead and Cutterhead Drive 6
3.4 Design Principles and Requirements of Thrust Device7
3.5 Design Principles and Requirements of Erector 7
3.6 Design Principles and Requirements of Screw Conveyor7
3.7 Design Principles and Requirements of Hydraulic System 7
3.8 Design Principles and Requirements of Electrical System and Control System 7
3.9 Design Principles and Requirements of Auxiliary System 10
4. TBM Manufacture and Installation 12
4.1 General Requirements 12
4.2 Manufacture and Installation of Shield Body 12
4.3 Manufacture and Installation of Cutterhead and Cutterhead Drive 13
4.4 Manufacture and Installation of Thrust Device13
4.5 Manufacture and Installation of Erector 13
4.6 Manufacture and Installation of Screw Conveyor13
4.7 Manufacture and Installation of Hydraulic System 13
4.8 Manufacture and Installation of Electrical System and Control System 14
4.9 Manufacture and Installation of Auxiliary System 16
5. TBM Acceptance in Factory 17
5.1 Acceptance in Factory 17
5.2 Acceptance in Site 18
5.3 Acceptance in Thrust of 100 19
6. Packing, Transportation and Hoisting of TBM 20
6.1 Packing 20
6.2 Transportation and Hoisting 20
Standards Quoted 22
Appendix 23
Clause Explanation26