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SAP财务(doc 69) 英文版!.rar

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SAP Contacts    3
Walldorf    3
Subsidiaries    3
Revisions to Previous Instructor Guide    3
Course Details    3
Duration    3
Course Materials and other Materials    3
Country-Specific Units    3
Course Instructor Profiles    4
Level of Knowledge Required    4
Courses Recommended as Preparation    4
Online Help Recommended as Preparation    4
Hints on Preparing This Course    4
Training System    5
Data Required    5
User ID and Passwords for Course Participants    5
Preparation in the System    5
Example ABAPs    Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.
CATTs    5
Technical Hints    5
Goals and Objectives    7
Course Structure and Flow    Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.
Course Schedule    7
Course Schedule:    Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.
Day One    Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.
Unit: <Name>    Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.
SAP Contacts:
Walldorf: David Brenner (Global Course Owner)

Subsidiaries: Kim Hagenbach, SAP America

Revisions to Previous Instructor Guide: none
Course Details

Duration:  4.5 to 5 days

Course Materials and other Materials:  Book and “SAP Show” for presenting the course

Country-Specific Units: None

Course Instructor Profiles
Level of Knowledge Required
This course covers a wide variety of financial accounting topics.  Therefore an instructor must have a solid understanding of how transactions enter the General Ledger in R/3; the more level 3 FI courses an instructor teaches or has attended, the better the instructor will be prepared to deliver this course.  The emphasis is on processing transactions and R/3 financial terminology.  There is no configuration covered in this course.
There is a demonstration of entering a customer order tracking documents in FI.  There is also a demonstration of entering a PO, a goods receipt and then entering an invoice.  Therefore, the level 2 logistic classes for SD and MM are recommended as well.  Also, having taken AC805 (cash management) will help in presenting the Bank Accounting unit as it deals with entering a check deposit list and entering a bank statement.  The AC305 4.6 (Assets) class will help in presenting the Asset Accounting unit.

Courses Recommended as Preparation
AC200 (FI Configuration)
AC205  (Financial Closing)
LO020  (Procurement)



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