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At present, the Japanese economy is in the period of systematic transformation. With the creation of new mechanism and system, the systematic framework that once contributed to the high economic growth in the past 50 years is deemed to collapse and the Japanese corporate governance as a major means of controlling market by corporations in capitalism is under transformation. Through the introduction of executive directors, separation of the decision-making and supervisory function to the company of the director and supplement for the inspection, the internal structure makes a reform of the traditional two-tier board of the separation of the board of directors and the supervisory board and tends to Anglo-Saxon model. Through the marketing reform of corporate operation to change the old internal and blocking model, the external mechanism plays a role in supervisory and motivation.
Now the Japanese corporate governance in transformation is under its own way and tends not only to break out of a traditional model but not to duplicate the Anglo-Saxon model. How it commits the reform on basis of the present system framework is instructive to governance development in our country, especially to the improvement of supervisory and motivation mechanism, external governance mechanism and marketing reform of the state-owned enterprises.
Key Words: Japanesque Corporate Governance, Transformation, System Changeover
引言 1
一、日本式公司治理变革的背景 2
(一)内部治理结构弊端的显露 2
1.股东大会形骸化 2
2.董事会监督机能丧失 3
3.信息公开活动消极 3
(二)外部治理机制的变化 3
1.主银行制面临瓦解 3
2.传统的劳动雇佣体系面临崩溃 4
3.法人相互持股的解除 4
小结 5
二、日本式公司治理的变革 6
(一)内部治理结构的改革 6
1.引进执行董事制 6
2.引进社外独立董事制 7
3.信息披露制度的改革 8
4.引进股票期权制度 8
5.监事机能的强化 9
(二)外部治理机制的变革 10
1.企业筹措资金的变化 10
2.公司股权所有结构的变化 11
3.雇佣体系的变化 13
4.法制的改革 14
5.其他利益相关者地位的变化 16
小结 18
三、日本式公司治理变革的成效及问题 20
(一)变革的成效 20
1.积极推进信息披露的效果 20
2.来自外部监督的激励增强 20
3.法律法规的完善 20
4.雇佣形式的多样性发展 21
5.推动了传统制度和惯例的变革 21
(二)存在的问题 21
1.公司外部治理转变缓慢 21
2.企业经营的两种状态 22
3.制度引进的模式化 22
4.市场化改革的缺失 22
小结 23
四、健全和完善我国企业的公司治理 24
1.完善公司董事会 24
2.强化信息披露制 25
3.引进股票期权制 25
4.改善公司的股权结构 26
5.构筑共同治理模式 26
6.改善与公司治理相关的法律环境 27
小结 27
参考文献 28
后记 29
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