
国外经济类书籍大全-Grammar Practice(pdf 182).rar

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Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate, Harlow Essex, CM20 2JE, England And Associated Companies throughout the World. www.longman Pearson Education Limited 2000 The right of Elaine Walker and Steve Elsworth to be identified as authors of this Work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. AH rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers. ISBN 0 582 41710 4 Fifth impression 2004 Set in Slimbach Printed in Malaysia, LSP Illustrations by David Mostyn Project Managed by Lewis Lansford Additional material written by David Bowker. Contents To the student NOUNS, ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS pronouns 1 -2 possessives 2-5 plurals 7 the article 8-16 countables and uncountables 6,15,17-19 comparative and superlative adjectives 20-25 participial adjectives 26-27 adverbs 27-29 VERBS The present tense present simple and continuous 30-37 The past tense past simple and continuous 38-48 present perfect 48-56 The future tense present continuous as future 56-58 going to future 58-60 63-65 future simple 61-66 present simple as future 65-66 Verb formations irregular verbs 67-70 The passive passives 71-74 Verb formations used to 75-77 imperative 77-78 CONDITIONALS first conditional 79-80 second conditional 81-82 zero conditional 84-85 MODALS modals in questions and negatives 86-87 can, could 87-88 may, might 89-90 should, must 91-92 have to 93-95 GERUNDS AND INFINITIVES The gerund 96-100 The infinitive 101-104 REPORTED SPEECH Direct speech 105-110 Indirect speech 111-114 SENTENCE STRUCTURE Word order direct and indirect object 115-116 frequency adverbs 117-118 link words 118-120 Questions and answers making questions 121-123 short responses 124-125 Relative clauses 126-127 PREPOSITIONS 128-137 PHRASAL VERBS 138-144 TESTS 1-3 145-153 ANSWER KEY 154-168 INDEX 169-174

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