Issue 1, 21/12/98 CONFIDENTIAL This report is solely for the use of client personnel.No part of it may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside the client organisation without prior written approval from McKinsey & Company. This material was used by McKinsey & Company during an oral presentation; it is not a complete record of the discussion. 12 July 1999 Total Productive MaintenanceClientPeople
system Operating
system Quality
system Business need Enabler Process and effect Sustainability and Continuous Improvement DeliveryReliability Minimum Lead time Lowest PossibleCost ZeroDefect Total Quality Process Autonomation J I T Element Over production Motion Waiting Inventory Rework Transportation Over processing StableEmployee Relations HumanResource Management Maximized
waste Change management
Work environment
Organisation structure
Continuous improvement culture People Workplace organisation
Process measurement & review Standardised operations
Machine design
Line design
Factory design Intelligent automation
Poka Yoke
Performance monitoring
Problem resolution Continuous flow processing
Takt time
Pull system
Levelled production Waste PSDC Lean Transformation Model F M S S STotal Productive Maintenance (TPM)
productive maintenance
carried out by
all employees DefinitionTime
Effect A brief history of maintenanceC o m p e t i t i v e n e s s A model for TPMT P M The goals of TPMTPM is not just a set of tools, it is part of an integrated approach to manufacturing. TPM recognises the key role that people play in maximising the effectiveness of machinery.
operators know the equipment and its problems better than anyone
maintenance and production departments are often in conflict
teamwork is a powerful force in problem-solving and improvement work
TPM will fail if it is implemented in a hurry, in a quest for results.
To be successful, TPM requires:-
top management support
participative culture
phased implementation The preconditions of TPM