致:管家部 由:人力资源部
To: Housekeeping Department From: Human Resources
Please issue the uniform to the following employee as per the standard:
姓名 Name: 编号 ID No.
部门 Department 职位 Position
职级 Grade 使用日期 Issue Date:
人事部 制服房 员工签收
Personnel Dept. Linen Room Received by
新员工New Employment 离职Resignation
转部门Transfer (由From 部门Dept.转去 to 部门 Dept.)
Please collect back the uniform from the following employee:
姓名 Name __________ 编号 ID No. _________
部门Department ________ 职位 Position _________
职级Grade __________ 归还日期Return Date ______
其他Others: ________________________________
人事部 制服房
Personnel Dept. .Linen Room
本单一式两联:白-人事部 蓝-制服房 HR003
Copies: White-Personnel Dept. Blue-Linen Room