Laurent Dupras-Boileau Bendheim Center for Finance, 26 Prospect Avenue, Princeton NJ 08540 (609) 902-2496 | laurentd@princeton.edu Education Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 2012-2014 (expected) Master in Finance Awards: Jean Turmel Excellence Fellowship, Institut de Finance Mathématique de Montréal, 2012-2014; Master Research Scholarships, Fond de recherche du Québec - Nature et Technologie (FQRNT) (declined). Coursework: Pricing Models and Derivatives, Statistical Analysis of Financial Data, Fixed Income Models, Institutional Finance: Trading & Markets, Financial Econometrics, Stochastic Calculus and Advanced Derivatives. Concordia University, Montreal, QC 2009-2012 B.Sc. Specialization in Mathematical and Computational Finance Awards: Graduated with Great Distinction (GPA: 4.11/4.30), Deans List, 2010-2011 Campaign for a New Millennium Student Contribution Scholarship, 2011-2012 Vincent, Olga and Denis Nicolas Diniacopoulos Scholarship. Coursework: ODE & PDE, Stochastic Processes, Advanced Probabilities, Mathematical and Computational Finance I & II, Real Analysis, Measure Theory, Options and Futures, Advanced Topics in the Derivatives Markets. Experience Investors Group Financial Services, Montreal, QC May-July 2011 Financial Services Consultant Summer Intern Provided consultants with a scenario analysis and optimization tool to assess the relevance of implementing a testamentary trust, subsequently convincing a client it would save her beneficiaries over $300,000 in taxes; Developed an Excel model to evaluate small business growth and thereby costs o